Snowmobile Safety: Be Aware Of Power Lines And Transformers

Nodak Electric Cooperative reminds snowmobilers of all ages to be cautious while snowmobiling. Heavy snow and drifting can bury electrical equipment, causing dangerous situations for snowmobilers. Please remember to be safe. Here are some things to keep in mind while you’re out enjoying the snow:

  • Watch out for power poles, guy wires and electrical equipment that can be hidden in the snow. Heavy snowfalls can often bury transformer boxes and cabinets. 
  • Slow down, be familiar with the area you are snowmobiling and stay on the trails. 
  • If you see a downed power line, STAY AWAY from it and call 911 to report it. There is no way to tell if a power line is energized just by looking at it. Always assume it is live and can carry currents strong enough to kill.
  • Always wait for help to arrive before you approach an accident scene where a power line may be involved.
  • Share this information with family, friends and anyone you know who rides a snowmobile.