Operation Round Up® is a program offered by Nodak Electric Cooperative that rounds up members’ monthly bills to the next whole dollar amount. The resulting funds are put into a special account used to assist local individuals and non-profit organizations with crucial needs. Some of these needs are food, shelter, clothing, health care, emergency services, education and charitable causes. Individuals volunteer to serve as directors for the Operation Round Up® Board. This volunteer board meets four times throughout the year (January, April, July and October) to review applications and to decide which causes to support. The average monthly contribution is $0.50 per month or $6 per year. To date, over 50 percent of Nodak’s members are involved with the program that raises over $45,000 each year.

Sign me up Today!

*Please have applications in before the first day of the meeting month:
(January, April, July and October).*

Please send completed applications to nodak@nodakelectric.com

Operation Round Up Application (PDF) 

Organization Operation Round Up Application (PDF) 

Operation Round Up Guidelines (PDF)