General Service Rates

High Density

(A cluster of 20 or more active services)

Available for service to locations in a High-Density area. A High-Density area is defined as:

  • An enlargement (generally 160 acres) with 20 or more active locations, or
  • A cluster of 20 or more active locations, or
  • A cluster with 10 or more active locations that adjoins an enlargement with 20 or more active locations, or
  • An area adjacent to an incorporated town with 20 or more active locations.


(A plotted area within a town or city with 50 or more active services)

Available for service to locations in Urban Residential and Urban Small Commercial areas. An Urban area is defined as a plotted area of 50 or more active locations located within or adjacent to an incorporated town that primarily is designed to allow for the joint use of transformers.

Farm, Rural Residential And Small Commercial

Available for Farm, Rural Residential, and Small Commercial locations that do not meet the High Density, Urban, or Commercial/Industrial criteria.

Other Rates

Commercial Industrial – Distribution Delivery (Including Irrigation)

Applies to all services that historically meet the following criteria:

  1. average greater than 50 kW monthly demand per year, or
  2. have a monthly demand greater than 100 kW two or more times per year, or
  3. require service to an irrigation pump load, or
  4. require service to a data center/mining load.

Commercial Industrial – Substation Delivery

The facility charge shall include an appropriate share of the wholesale substation charges plus the multiphase facility charge.

Lighting Rate

The Cooperative shall install, own, provide power, and service the lights included in this rate. The installation shall include wood poles, and it is assumed that an existing transformer can be used to provide secondary service. If a separate transformer is required and/or decorative lighting is requested by the member, the Cooperative may require an aid to construction to cover the added expense or negotiate a special rate to include the added costs incurred by the Cooperative.