Thinking About Adding Your Own Generation?

Are you thinking about installing a solar panel system, wind turbine or a standby system that can connect to the grid to supplement your power usage? These systems are called distributed energy resource (DER) generation, and you must apply for interconnection with Nodak Electric Cooperative before you move forward with a project. What is interconnect? Interconnect is adding power back safely onto the Nodak Electric Cooperative energy grid.

The interconnect process ensures: 

  • Your system is wired properly.
  • Nodak’s equipment is adequately sized for the project.
  • Safety for you and Nodak personnel working on the power lines.

To get started on your system, please follow the steps below:

  1. Give Nodak a call to discuss your project early in the consideration process.
  2. Complete and send the interconnection application to Nodak’s engineering department. These documents are available online at Click on the Technical Resources icon (at bottom of homepage), then Interconnection Process for Generation Systems.
  3. When fully approved, have the project connected by a qualified electrician and certified installer.
  4. Electrical work must be issued a North Dakota wiring certificate.
  5. Notify Nodak when the project is complete for an inspection and testing.
  6. If interconnecting a DER that is a renewable energy system, a separate net-billing agreement is required to receive an energy credit for excess energy delivered to Nodak’s grid.

If you have any questions and are considering a solar, wind or standby system, please call 701-746-4461 or 1-800-732-4373 or email Nodak at