Striking Scammers Out

Don’t let scammers score by collecting your personal and financial information. Here are 3 things to look for that will help strike out scammers.

If you receive a call saying your power will be turned off in the next hour if you don’t reply with immediate over-the-phone payment – STRIKE 1 scammer! Nodak Electric Cooperative will never demand your immediate payment over the phone.

If someone claiming to be Nodak Electric Cooperative calls and says you have overpaid your utility bill and they can begin issuing you a refund if you provide them with your financial information – STRIKE 2!  Nodak Electric Cooperative will never call and request your financial information.

If you are ever contacted by an agency with an amazing deal on solar panels that will help save on electricity or they offer you tax credits for using solar energy – STRIKE 3 scammer! Adding solar panels to your home is a lengthy and expensive undertaking. When identifying a scam, look for unrealistically low prices or any company saying they will lease you solar panels without a contract.

Tips to throw scammers out of the game:

  • Always ask to speak to a trusted Nodak Electric employee.
  • Know that Nodak Electric will only ask for personal information in order to identify members calling in.
  • A tone of urgency is often a trick scammers use to try and gain information from you.
  • Gather as much information as you can from the scammer and contact your local authorities. Also, make Nodak Electric aware of the scam.
  • If you are unsure about a call, just hang up.

If you ever have any doubts about your utility bill, please call our office at 800-732-4373 or stop by in person.