Concern For Community: A Defining Principle For Co-ops
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Celebrated nationwide during the month of October, National Co-op Month is an annual opportunity to look at the many aspects that make cooperatives unique.

Cooperatives are motivated by people and their needs, not by profit. The seven cooperative principles guide electric cooperatives to operate differently from other utilities, putting the needs of their members first. We base the way we conduct business on these seven cooperative principles:

  • Voluntary and open membership
  • Democratic member control
  • Member economic participation
  • Autonomy and independence
  • Education, training and information
  • Cooperation among cooperatives
  • Concern for community

screenshotI’d like to focus on the last principle and how Nodak Electric supports the communities it serves. As a cooperative, we are committed to improving the quality of life for our members. We accomplish this by providing reliable and affordable energy, but we also invest in our community in other ways. Here are a few of the things we do at Nodak Electric to actively apply this principle. 

Operation Round Up®: Since 2002, members have raised and donated over $1.1 million to individuals or organizations throughout the Nodak Electric service area.

Economic development loans: Nodak Electric works in conjunction with USDA to provide loans to new and growing businesses in our area.

Community investment: Nodak Electric has made donations to numerous community organizations and programs that contribute to the growth of our community.

Youth Tour: Nodak administers an essay contest that allows one winner to visit Washington, D.C., with other students across the country annually.

Community groups: Nodak Electric employees and directors actively participate on committees and boards throughout the territory to promote economic development.

Area celebrations: Nodak Electric partakes in local community celebrations and parades every year.

Here at Nodak Electric Cooperative, we remain focused on our communities and continue to invest in their success. Please know we work hard every day to support the people we serve!