Addyson Hefta recently returned from the Youth Tour. She said, “The North Dakota Youth Tour was one the best experiences I have had. I met so many new people from not only North Dakota, but Montana, Georgia, and many other states, too! I had so much fun doing all the touristy activities and even just hanging out at our hotel. We did so many different things. Some of my favorite were touring the Capitol, talking to Sen. John Hoeven, seeing the Lion King at the Kennedy Center, pin-trading with other states, going to the Nationals game, touring Gettysburg, and the river-boat cruise! I’ve gained some really close friendships from Youth Tour and if I could do it again, I would do it a thousand times more! Thank you so much Nodak Electric for sponsoring me to attend Washington, D.C.!”
The North Dakota Electric Cooperative Youth Tour has brought high school students to the nation’s capital for a week in June every year since the late 1950s. Addyson Hefta won this year’s Nodak Electric Cooperative essay contest and received an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., courtesy of the cooperative.